Service Guideline


3Y POWER TECHNOLOGY (3Y) will repair or replace any power supply (product) that is still under warranty, subject to the terms and conditions of 3Y. As a condition of this warranty, the Customer must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions from 3Y. To obtain a RMA number, the following procedure must be followed:



  • Contact 3Y's Sales Department to obtain an RMA number.
  • If the unit is old or out of warranty, please skip to the Out of Warranty section below.
  • After a RMA number is issued, the customer is to ship the product to the designated 3Y repair facility, transportation prepaid.
  • Each unit must include a written description of the claimed defect by unit serial number.
  • Product will only be accepted with a separately listed document that shows the defects by serial number. 3Y will not attempt to diagnose product for repair without this document.
  • 3Y will repair or replace the product at its sole discretion and will return the product to the customer transportation prepaid, if shipping to the original production shipment address (not the RMA shipment source location, if different).
  • 3Y will attempt to repair product within 30 days. Therefore, 3Y will not issue any credits against debit memos prior to that time.
  • If 3Y determines that the product is not defective the customer will pay 3Y a fee for testing, examination, shipping and handling at the then prevailing 3Y rate.


  • 3Y will only repair Out of Warranty units only for the original OEM customer that purchased the product from 3Y or our Distributor.
  • Contact 3Y's Sales Department to obtain an RMA number.
  • After an RMA number is issued, the customer is to ship the product to the designated 3Y repair facility in the United States, transportation prepaid.
  • Each unit must include a written description of the claimed defect by serial number.
  • Product will only be accepted with a separately listed document that lists the defects by serial number. 3Y will not attempt to diagnose product for repair without this document.
  • The product may then be repaired for a service charge plus parts. 3Y will provide an estimate of the repair charges and wait for the customer to issue a purchase order prior to repairing the product.
  • 3Y will return the repaired product to the customer freight collect.

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