Warranty Policy
All products sold by 3Y Power Technology (3Y) are warranted against defects in workmanship and materials under normal and proper use for a period of three years from the date of manufacture, based on the power supply date code embedded in the serial number.
As a condition of this warranty, Customer must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions from 3Y. Customer will ship the product, transportation prepaid, to the designated 3Y repair facility, and include a written description of the claimed defect by unit serial number. 3Y will attempt to repair its products within 30 days. Therefore, 3Y will accept no debit memos prior to that time. Requests for formal failure analysis (FA) and/or corrective action (CAR) must be made at the time the RMA is requested and are subject to 3Y agreement. Requests for credit-only returns will be considered on a customer-by-customer/case-by-case basis and must be made at the time the RMA is requested.
3Y will only pay transportation charges for the return of the product to Customer when shipping to the same address as the original production shipment, not the address that the inbound RMA shipment came from. If 3Y determines that the product is not defective as herein defined, Customer will pay 3Y a fee for testing, examination, handling and shipping at the then-prevailing 3Y rate.
3Y sole responsibility under the above product warranty will be, at its option, to either repair or replace the product which fails while under warranty due to a defect in materials or workmanship. All replaced products or parts will become the property of 3Y.
All warranties are contingent upon proper use of the product. These warranties will not apply if adjustment, repair or parts replacement is required for many reasons, including but not limited to:
Unusual physical abuse, environment not meeting or not maintained in accordance with 3Y specifications, causes other than ordinary use, if the product has been modified by purchaser or where serial number, 3Y identity or warranty labels have been removed or altered, or if the product has been dismantled by purchaser without the supervision of or prior written approval from 3Y.
This warranty is in lieu of all obligations or liabilities on the part of 3Y arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the products. 3Y is not liable for any indirect or consequential damages through the use or misuse of its products by the buyer or any other persons or entities.
The warranty outlined above is exclusive and no other warranty either written or verbal is expressed or implied. 3Y makes no claims or warranties as to the merchantability and/or suitability for a particular application.
Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Repairs: After the warranty period, products may be repaired for a service charge plus parts, provided that the customer issues a purchase order prior to the repair of the product. 3Y will only repair out of warranty units for the original OEM customer that purchased the product from either 3Y or our Distributor. After the RMA number has been issued by 3Y, the customer will ship the product to the designated 3Y repair facility, transportation prepaid. Each unit must include a written description of the claimed defect by serial number. Product will only be accepted with this document. 3Y will not attempt to diagnose product for repair without this document. After the product is repaired, 3Y will return the repaired product to the customer freight collect.